Sunday, February 23, 2020

Palestine State Today Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Palestine State Today - Essay Example Since 1947, to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict, the text of General Assembly Resolution No. (181) of the United Nations provides the establishing of Palestine State. Unfortunately, Palestine State had not been established yet. Palestinians have suffered decades of displacement, exclusion and systematized deprivation of their national and human inalienable rights, which embodies their right to self-determination and establish their independent state. Since the start of the peace process in 1993, it has been reiterated that the international community emphasizes that the only solution to the conflict in the Middle East lies in the two-state solution, a solution that necessarily requires the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, sovereign and viable. In 2009, the international community supported the Palestinians to build their future state institutions, which will be completed in September 2011. The international community has recognized that the Palestinians are ready t o establish their independent state. They also recognized in the international institutions that the only obstacle to a Palestinian state is the continuation of Israeli occupation. * Recognizing the Palestine State stresses the important decisions made by the United Nations and international agreements Recognition of the international community, represented by the United Nations, is against the Palestinian people to self-determination as the position of an established state repeatedly in several resolutions, including resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations 3236, which recognizes the Palestinian right to independence of their state. This is a right that is inalienable, and the Palestinian people have the right to establish their own "sovereign and independent state." It also confirmed the decision of the General Assembly of the United Nations (2649) on the right of Palestinian people to self-determination, affirming the decision (2672) that respected the rights of t he Palestinian people to their inalienable forms as an integral part of reaching a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. Moreover, the Court of International Justice in its Opinion Advisory issued in 2004 on the construction of the Apartheid Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory stated that the actions carried out by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories undermine the right of Palestinians to a homeland, which severely impedes the exercise of the Palestinian people of their right to self-determination, and therefore a breach by Israel of its obligation to respect that right. The recognition of the Palestine State is in line with the core principles underlying the Oslo interim agreement, including starters two-state solution and the resolutions of relevant United Nations resolutions, primarily resolutions 242 and 338. Unfortunately, it has been over twenty years since the signing of the Interim Agreement and the first of Israel's occupation of Palestinian land, and the exploitation of Palestinian natural resources are more deeply rooted. For example, the number of settlers living in the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, has doubled since 1993. During the same time period, they continued to suffer due to the policy of demolishing Palestinian homes, which reached its peak in the last few years. In the same context, the Palestinian economy continued to suffer from the additional burdens and the potential regime of closures and checkpoints in the West Bank and the unjust inhumane blockade in

Friday, February 7, 2020

Implementing Change for JLL company Research Paper

Implementing Change for JLL company - Research Paper Example e a hard time to the individuals, as they have to cut down their needs and compromise even the basic needs of their life in order to sustain in the long run. The personal savings came down remarkably which affected every household. The lucrative real estate sector worldwide encountered a drastic change in its profit amount as the demand for the housing and apartments decreased drastically. As a result, the worldwide real estate sector has to encounter drastic decrease in income and demand (Mathiassen and Nielsen, 2000; West, 2005). JLL is one the biggest real estate company in the world; along with real estate business the company also engages in providing financial services to its customers. In order to expand its territory and business, the company has engaged in several merger and acquisition activities. The need for merger and acquisition has resulted from the urge to penetrate and consolidate the greater part of the real estate business. Hence, it has competed about 35 mergers and acquisition activities, which have provided them with both inorganic and organic growth. It is known that a company can attain organic and inorganic growth only by making partners and undertaking merger and acquisition of the resources. The company aims at providing it services to three main geographic locations in the world: Europe, Middle East and Africa, Americas and Asia Pacific. The company has expended its territory by spreading business worldwide and setting corporate offices to support its operations. However, after the financial crisis the company has lost its constant investment opportunities by individuals all over the world (Belt, 2004). Along with that it has also lost the common base of customers with the emergence of Ukraine- Russia conflict. This added flame to the disastrous situation and the revenue and profit of the company decreased to a great extent. The fall in demand for residential as well as commercial buildings have affected the company finance