Monday, April 13, 2020

Parent Occupational Status and Parenting Style free essay sample

To explain few of them; parental education is very important for the upcoming of a child. An educated parent will have more realistic attitude toward the parenting style, this is because most of the time the parents try to rear their children the way they ad been reared by their parents. Forgetting that children are more advanced and well informed than they were ten years back. Parental occupation is very important, if both parents are working then the parenting style will be different. The child will probably develop an independent attitude, and sometime feels lonely and this can affect on the child in choosing his or her career. Parental status has a great effect on the childs development. If parental status is high in the society then it will have a different effect on the childs development than those whose parental status in the society is low. For instance, a daughter/son whose father is a doctor has different status in the society than a son/daughter whose father is a plumber. We will write a custom essay sample on Parent Occupational Status and Parenting Style or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This can also affect the parenting style of a child and how a child will choose his/her career. Parental background denotes the family of the parents, it include the family of both the father and mother. The parenting style is very often influenced by the way the parent were raised or reared by their parents in the past. Parenting style can be in three ways, which are giving orders, this is an authoritarian parenting style. Authoritarian parents dont feel they need to explain heir rules or the reasons why they expect their children to do certain things. The main focus of these parent is on what their children do wrong and the punishment for misbehaviors is often harsh. Giving in is a permissive style parents who adopt this style may have concerns that their children will not like them if they set limit or they see themselves as their children friend and not their parent who is there to guide and set limits. Giving choices is a democratic parenting style which is the type of parenting style that will be discussed in this study

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